Monday, June 17, 2013

Paint Killers part 1

The other night I was randomly on Vine and I saw a whole lot of random painters that made me die a sweet death. I just couldn't believe how amazing there work was. So I decided to share them with all of you.
They seriously inspired me to be a better painter and artist in general. My dream is to basically be that artist that people look to towards inspiration and seriously die of amazement every time they look at my work; basically the way I do every time I look at these artists down below. You guys should be seeing some new paintings from me this year; I hope :z
So I hope you love the work of my new and old favorite artists as much as I do.
p.s. I had to turn this post into two parts, because there are too many artist that I'm crushing over so you'll be seeing the rest later this month or early next month ^^

Danny Roberts
instagram: @dannyroberts

Suite Charlie 
instagram/twitter/vine: @suitecharlie

Brain M. Viveros 
instagram: @viveros_brand

Michael Snapcott
instagram: @michaelshapcott

Charmaine Olivia
instagram/vine: @charmaineolivia

Jenn Porreca
instagram: @porrecastudio
vine: @jennporreca

Mimi Yoon
instagram: @mimiyoon

Lena Danya
instagram: @lenadanya

Peace & Drugs,

Mickey Vin


  1. Hi dear, your blog is amazing, it inspires me so much and I love all of your posts..such an amzing style!! Why don't we keep in touch following each other via bloglovin and gfc? What do you think?
    Let me know and best whishes
    Laura ❤

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Awe thank you for the mention Fatima, it really means alot :)


Thanks for reading
-mickeyvin ◕‿◕


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