Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Art pick up

Ello everyone ^^ hope you guys are enjoying your week.

Lately I've been busy stressing, working, and creating new things so I haven't been able to pull myself to post; so once again I hope I will be posting regularly because I have a lot to show you guys.
Ok so last week my boyfriend and I went up to this art gallery to pick up some of my pieces ( don't worry I will be posting the pictures from the gallery soon).  This is the outfit that I wore ^^

 - necklace: delilahdust, regalrose, forever21 . jeans: ross . cut out boots: mall ( similar here) . 
tshirt: forever21 . phone case: amazon

I just really wanted to go for something simple since I don't have any clothes and it was flippin hot outside that day.

Peace & Love,

-fatima b.

1 comment:

Thanks for reading
-mickeyvin ◕‿◕